Sunday, September 2, 2012

Ms. Leardi

Ms. Leardi was my 7th grade science teacher. She is someone I admire because she was never without a smile on her face. Even if she was having a very rough day, she never let on and remained positive everyday.  Ms. Leardi wanted to teach her students not just academics, she wanted us to learn life lessons. She installed a feeling in all of here students that every person was equal in her eyes and that we could do anything that we set our minds too. She taught me that my attitude affects the people around me and that if I am happy, people around me will be happy too.
It was not just her attitude that made Ms. Leardi an admirable person. She also believed in teaching her students in a way that everyone would understand and used many labs and fun activities to teach. I walked away from that science class not only smarter, but also with a higher self-esteem and the belief that it did not matter what anybody said, I could do what I wanted with my life and be whomever I wished to be. Ms. Leardi inspired every person and student that knew her and left an impact on everybody's life. I wish to someday touch people's lives just as she did and I look to her on how to do that.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am so glad you were able to have this person as your teacher. I hope to be as influential in my own way. Thanks for sharing
