Friday, March 29, 2013

Third Quater End

These are the bowls that have come out of their first firing. I have more bowls in the kiln (hopefully) and I can glaze them later.

Friday, March 1, 2013

3rd Quater Project

The work needs to be removed from the wooden boards when it is beginning to get hard. That way it will not dry out as fast any more.

The element and principle I focused on for this pieces was balance, unity, and texture. I wanted my piece to look in balance but also look like all the sides were connected with each other. Each side had to have at least two different textures to add a contrast.

I learned how to cut a 45 degree angle in order to make two pieces fit together to make a 90 degree angle. I also learned how to use the large roller in order to make my clay a certain thickness.

If I did another project like this, I would add something to the outside to make my piece stand out a little more (like a 3D stone for example). I might also use some more colors so that my piece is not so dark.

Friday, February 1, 2013

February Post

I am working on my candle lantern now in Ceramics. Today I will put my lantern together. I am having a little trouble cutting the walls at a 45 degree angle but with some practice on other pieces will help. The designing of what will be cut out and what will be smoothed over is the easiest and funnest part of the project so far.

My cups
For the purple cup on the left I used Dark Blue and Chun Plum to make it. It holds eight ounces. The orangish cup in the back was made by Shino and Chun Plum. That cups holds eight ounces as well. The beautiful dark green cup was made by Dark Blue and Chun Plum. This one holds thirteen ounces.

This last green cup was made by True Celadon and Blue Rutile. It holds seven ounces

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

End of Semester 1

I finished my six cups and only two of them are glazed so far. 
The purplish cup holds 10 ounces of water. The orangish cup holds five ounces of water.
The glaze I used for the purplish cup is Chun Plum and Blue Rutile.
For the orangish cup I used Shino and Light Rust.

My pinch pot finished its glaze firing. I used Metallic Green and White to make the color of it.